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Fishing for Skrei in Berlevåg
Fishing for Skrei in Berlevåg
Fishing for skrei in Berlevåg in Northern Norway.
Fjord trout with mushrooms and tagliatelle
Fjord trout with mushrooms and tagliatelle
Fish and pasta are perfect components. Together with this mushroom sauce, you have a perfect, tasty AND a healthy dinner.
Fish fillet factory in Stamsund
Fish fillet factory in Stamsund
Lerøy at the Bergen Fish Market
Lerøy at the Bergen Fish Market
From cages to clothes
From cages to clothes
Have you ever looked at a fish farming cage and thought: “I could wear that or decorate my living room with it”? Probably not, but you might just change your mind when you have seen this! In this age of sustainability, recycling is of increasing importance so that we leave behind the smallest possible eco-footprint. And what could be better than giving something you no longer use to someone who can create something new from it, for example old fish farming nets.
Lerøy Corporate Film
Lerøy Corporate Film
Reuters: Lerøy Seafood Group - Sustainable Food Production For The Future
Reuters: Lerøy Seafood Group - Sustainable Food Production For The Future
Lerøy Seafood Group has chosen to adopt seven of the 17 UN Sustainability goals. This time Lerøy wants to focus on the SDGs #2 Zero Hunger, #3 Good Health and Well-Being, #12 Responsible Consumption and Production and #13 Climate Action. These and UN SDGs #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, #14 Life Below Water, #17 Participation for the Goals, are incorporated with internal goals established for these areas in the underlying companies.
The fishing community Berlevåg
The fishing community Berlevåg
In Berlevåg, Lerøy's facility has 30 permanent employees and a number of seasonal workers, a cornerstone company in a municipality with almost 1000 inhabitants.
Our value chain - Lerøy Seafood
Our value chain - Lerøy Seafood
We are very proud of our value chain - We, Lerøy Seafood, are a pioneer within the seafood industry and this animation shows you the core of our business.
Lerøy Seafood - from roe to your plate
Lerøy Seafood - from roe to your plate
From roe to your plate - 3 ½ years shown in 3 ½ minutes.
Ocean Forest
Ocean Forest
Bellona and Lerøy Seafood Group ASA are natural partners for a collaboration targeting their common goal to develop a food production process with the highest level of sustainability possible, whereby they can keep our seas clean and reduce the environmental footprint of aquaculture. Under water filming: Flimmer Film & Inge Døskeland